OSHA Training and Regulatory Resources for Connecticut
Mandatory OSHA Training is provided via online curriculum with our OSHA 10 Hour Construction or OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Courses. These courses are 100% OSHA Accepted and are taught by OSHA-Accepted Instructors.Each of the online courses come with a FREE PDF Study Guide to help with the course and the exams. The OSHA 10 hour courses take about two days to complete. Once you’ve completed the final exam you may immediately print out your certificate of completion for job-related requirements.The Official OSHA Wallet Card from the Department of Labor will be sent to you within 4-6 weeks in the mail.
The Connecticut Department of Labor’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health is referred to as CONN-OSHA. CONN-OSHA administers Connecticut’s Public Employer Only State Plan and enforces occupational safety and health standards as they apply to all municipal and state employees. As a State Plan state, CONN-OSHA adopts and enforces standards that are at least as effective as the federal requirements.
Note: According to Connecticut State law, the OSHA 10 hour Construction Course is required for all employees of any public building project paid for in whole or part by state funding, or any of its agencies, where the total cost is over $100,000. Contractors need to furnish proof that all employees have taken the OSHA 10 hour Construction Course within 30 days of being awarded the contract. Employees who have not completed the course are subject to removal from the work site. This law went into effect in 2007.
Click the link to find out all you need to know about the OSHA Connecticut Sate Plan. Here’s another link to find out more about Conn-OSHA (Connecticut OSHA Plan).
For general information about CONN-OSHA laws and regulations, please call:
(860) 263-6900
Department of Labor Offices in Connecticut:
Bridgeport Area Office
Clark Building
1057 Broad Street, 4th Floor
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604
(203) 579-5581
Fax: (203) 579-5516
Hartford Area Office
William R. Cotter Federal Building
135 High Street, Room 361
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
(860) 240-3152
Fax: (860) 240-3155